Merci à tous ceux qui ont rejoint le bataillon en service en personne et en ligne sur Levée.
Une grande participation de tous les rangs en personne et en ligne avec plus de 60 participants tout au long de la journée. Ci-dessous quelques photos prises ce jour.
Thank you to everyone who joined the Serving Battalion in person and online at Levée.
A great turn out of all ranks in person, and online with 60 + participants throughout the day. Below are some pictures taken this day.
If anyone has other pictures, they would like to share please send to the
Si quelqu’un a d’autres photos, qu’il aimerait partager, veuillez l’envoyer à l’adresse
The Roving Guardsman
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2 comments on “New Year’s Day Levée – Home Station 2023 Levée du Jour de l’An maison mère”
Sincere Thanks to the Lieutenant-Colonel and the Sergeant-Major for reviving this great tradition and to all others who worked to make it happen. Look forward to next year and hopefully even more attending in person!
2 comments on “New Year’s Day Levée – Home Station 2023 Levée du Jour de l’An maison mère”
Don reibin
Fred caron
Sincere Thanks to the Lieutenant-Colonel and the Sergeant-Major for reviving this great tradition and to all others who worked to make it happen. Look forward to next year and hopefully even more attending in person!