
The Act of Remembrance ‘What does Remembrance Day mean to you’. November 3, 2022

The Act of Remembrance

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.


‘To me, it is not very complicated at all.

We owe these people, our vets, our simple, but profound deep gratitude for our lives, our country, and our civilization, as we know it.

To be honest, few soldiers actually sacrifice their lives! Most, if given the option, would want to live.  However, particularly in the case of Canada, where the overwhelming majority of those who served and fought for us were volunteers, we must be thankful that they willingly and knowingly took on the somber responsibility of freely accepting, for us, an unlimited liability.

Sadly, for far too many, in accepting that risk, this meant suffering a horrible and painful death, forever remaining in a quiet corner of a foreign field, or even in a completely unknown grave somewhere.

We owe these people, and their families, so very much that we can never hope to repay, it is very literally the least that we can do to at least take some time each year to just remember them.

And, as Guardsmen, we can only hope that their spirit of devotion and selflessness will always parade with us!


Colour Sergeant John Dolbec, retired

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