This past weekend the Officers Mess conducted its 2nd Officers Prof Development weekend. Officers attended both lessons and drill practice throughout both days which covered a variety of subjects concentrated on Drill, Dress, and Deportment
This past weekend the Officers Mess conducted its 2nd Officers Prof Development weekend. Officers attended both lessons and drill practice throughout both days which covered a variety of subjects concentrated on Drill, Dress, and Deportment
2 comments on “Officers Mess conducted its 2nd Officers Professional Development weekend 23 October 2022”
John dolbec
In my time PD weekends always included Sn. NCO’s. Is that no onger the case?
Brian Tracey
John, I spoke to the Lieutenant-Colonel, the Honorary Colonel and the Regimental Sergeant-Major, who advise me that yes Senior Non-Commissioned Officers participate in professional development. However, there are times professional development weekends, seminars can take place specific to a group, i.e., Officers, Senior and Junior Non-Commissioned Officers all depending on the topic and the specific need. Professional Developemnt is important to all ranks of the Active Battalion.
Major Brian B. Tracey, Regimental Secretary