On behalf of the entire Regimental Family, I am honoured to announce the 2023, Canadian Grenadier Guards Foundation Scholarship Recipients.
This is a mission that the foundation started two years ago, creating a scholarship program for deserving members of the regiment, the association, their immediate family members, and the 2709 Guards Cadets Corps (Company).
2023 was our launch of the program and we look forward to continuing this program for many years to come with your financial support.
The Foundation would like to thank all those who have supported the scholarship program by making individual donations; Those who have told us how important this is to the success of the Regiment and the Regimental Family. We thank in particular, Scotiabank and the CGG Association who were our major sponsors in our lead up to the launch of 2023!
We encourage everyone to please consider supporting this scholarship program for 2024, so it continues to offer financial assistance to our deserving youth who will be our leaders of tomorrow.
We also like to recognize the Scholarship Committee for their hard work and for making recommendations and funding proposals:
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Ginger Petty our Chair, Colonel Michael Canavan, CD, retired, Vice-Chair, representing the foundation, Major Vincent Gagnon, CD and Sergeant Eric Washburn, CD, representing the Serving Battalion, Major Andrea Laizner, CD, SSSt.J., RN PhD, retired, representing the Guards Club and Corporal Geneviève Ducharme, representing the Association. Providing Administration support, Major Brian B. Tracey, MMM, CD, retired, Regimental Secretary.
Thank you for your support and hard work.
Congratulations to the 2023 Scholarship Award Recipients:
The J.F. Young VC Scholarship for education in the field of health sciences.
Caitlin Connors, attending Vanier College, Honours in Health Science, daughter of Dwane Connors, a member of the Association. Caitlin will receive $1,500.00.
Maria Irene Spanos, attending Vanier College, Nursing four (4) year program, daughter of Colour Sergeant Kamarinos Spanos, CD, a member of the Serving Battalion. Maria will receive $1,500.00.
The Guardsman Basil Leblanc Scholarship for Serving Members of the Canadian Grenadier Guards and their dependents.
Master Corporal Aristote Rayon, Master of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa, Aristote will receive $1,000.00.
The Canadian Grenadier Guards Association, Veteran Family Scholarship for Veterans who served with The Canadian Grenadier Guards and their Dependents,
Corporal Terence Hawes, CD, retired, attending McGill University, Counseling Psychology, a member of the association, Terence will receive $1,500.00.
Brady Sanders, attending Huron College at Western University, London Ontario, Business Management Program, son of Corporal Ivan Tabac, retired, is a member of the association, Brady will receive $1,000.00.
The Terry Whitty Scholarship for those serving with The Canadian Grenadier Guards 2709 Cadet Corps (Company).
Master Warrant Officer Emmanuelle Daoust is attending McGill University, in a bachelor’s degree in arts and science with a major in Cognitive Science (neuroscience and computer science), a member of the 2709 Guards Cadet Corps, Emmanuelle will receive $1,500.00.
Second Lieutenant Tamara Kazwini is a student at the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Pharmacy. Tamara will receive $1,000.00.
Master Corporal Julianne Roplaw attends Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf in Montreal, where she studies health sciences with an interest in pediatrics and gynecology. Julianne will receive $1,000.00.
Sincerely yours,
Colonel J. Paul de B. Taillon, OMM, CD
Honorary Colonel of the Regiment and
Chair, the Canadian Grenadier Guards Foundation
6 comments on “2023 Canadian Grenadier Guards Foundation Scholarship Recipients”
John Dolbec
Congratulations to all recipients! Well done!
Lcol Ret’d Waj beg
This is amazing…up the guards!!!
Brian Tracey
Congratulations to everyone!
George Gutowski
Congratulations to all. Best wishes for the future
Andrea Laizner
CONGRATULATIONS to all recipients! Keep up the great tradition.
Well done
Henry Gourdji
Well done to all the Scholarship recipients. I wish you all a wonderful and successful academic year!