Please join the Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding, Lieutenant-Colonel Jose Nunez, accompanied with the Regimental Sergent-Major, Chief Warrant Officer, Cameron Steven as they made promotions at the Home Station:
To the rank of Master Corporal.
Master Corporals, Kevyn-Elyseo Di-Paola and France Galavis-Navarro.
To the rank of Sergeant.
Sergeants, Steve Yataco-Luyo, Christopher Sayoto-Poulin and Ala Drine.
To the rank of Ensign.
Ensigns Jean Murad and Alexandra Nicolas.
Congratulations to everyone and have a continued success in the years to come.
One comment for “Regimental Promotions, September 27, 2022”
John dolbec
Congrats all round! Well done!