Bataillon actif
The active battalion of the CGG has a primary role to produce trained infanteers for our role in supporting domestic and foreign NATO and United Nations missions as well as providing a Company strength (100 pers) for ceremonial duties. The Grenadier soldiers we produce must be of quality appropriate to a Foot Guards Regiment. Our official DND website is located ici.
MESSAGE FROM THE Lieutenant Colonel Commanding
C’est un privilège et un honneur de commander les Canadian Grenadier Guards, une unité d’infanterie et le régiment le plus ancien du Canada. Le contexte et la complexité dans lesquels nous opérons continuent de changer. Dans cette situation, le métier de soldat est exigeant, mais la compétence de nos membres en matière d’entraînement à temps partiel et à temps plein et leur détermination inébranlable à représenter nos intérêts nationaux, tant au pays qu’à l’étranger, résistent à l’épreuve du temps. Notre réputation de professionnalisme est forgée à travers l’histoire par tous ceux du Régiment qui ont participé aux opérations et ont fièrement accompli des fonctions publiques lors des défilés cérémoniaux. Tout émane de cette réalité et sous-tend notre polyvalence inhérente pour entreprendre et fournir l’excellence opérationnelle dans un éventail extrêmement large de tâches.
Alexandre Dionne CD,
Lieutenant-colonel commandant
The Canadian Grenadier Guards
MESSAGE FROM THE Regimental Sergeant Major
You have chosen to serve in The Canadian Grenadier Guards and as such embrace the hallmarks and traditions which embody being a Guard. Not only are expected to excel as an Infanteer, but also in any chosen trade within the Regiment. As well being a member of the Guards, it also demands the highest standards of drill, discipline and deportment – both on operation and also on the parade square representing the Regiment, the Canadian Army and the Canadian Armed Forces in general. Your watchword must be excellence; Furthermore, carrying out your duties to the best of your abilities at all times. Trust, teamwork, respect, excellence and commitment – this is the expectation, and it will be demanding as you choose to serve in one of Canada’s oldest and most senior regiments.
Cameron Stevens, MMM, CD
Chief Warrant Officer
Regimental Sergeant Major
The Canadian Grenadier Guards
In addition to a headquarters element, charged with unit level command and control and administrative matters, the active battalion comprises of four Companies
No. 1 Canada Company
Mission element
Containing only trained soldiers, charged with executing assigned tasks and providing challenging collective training
No. 2 Prince of Whales Company Mission element
Charged with providing a company strength of Grenadiers to perform Public Duties in our Nations Capital
No. 3 Hochelaga Company
Administrative element
Charged with providing administrative, financial and logistic support to unit personnel and activities
No. 4 Quebec Company
Recruiting and Training element
Containing all the units untrained personnel, and responsible for the conduct of all recruitment activities.
Key to the Cities
The Freedom of a City permits a Regiment to enter it, and to march through it “with drums beating, Colours flying, and bayonets fixed”, warlike acts granted only to those in whom the City is prepared to place great trust. The Regiment holds the Freedom of the Cities of:
- Ottawa, granted on July 29th, 1979; and
- Montreal, granted on December 18th, 1989;
- Montreal, granted to all Regiments of 34 Canadian Brigade Group, May 18th 2003, and
- Ste. Anne de Bellevue, granted on 14 July, 2006
- Hampstead, Quebec, granted 22 October, 2023