The preservation of the traditions and values of the Canadian Grenadier Guards as a Regiment of Foot Guards.
- Provide a channel for community outreach for the Regiment.
- Promote the prestige of the Regiment in the Community.
MESSAGE DU President of the Guards Club
Welcome to the Canadian Grenadier Guards Club. We have had a consistent mission since its establishment in 1923 – to support the Regiment and the Officers Mess. This support, aside from sponsored events held in the mess also included fund raising from forms serving members and other persons from the community having an interest in the Guards. We welcome new members. Please contact the Secretary at cggofficers@gmail.com for more information. Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Macpherson CD (Retired)
A propos de nous
- To provide a focus for former officers and friends of the Canadian Grenadier Guards to meet together socially and support the Regiment and the Officers’ Mess.
- To attract Individuals from the community at large who are interested in the Canadian Grenadier Guards, but who are not in a position to serve in the serving battalion and who wish to support the Regiment.
- To assist the serving battalion to acquire and maintain non-public facilities of the Officers’ Mess and other serving battalion institutes authorized by the Crown for the benefit of the members of the battalion.
- To familiarize serving officers with influential members of
the community at large