Le Régiment

Its purpose

The Canadian Grenadier Guards, as a Household Regiment, serves The Sovereign and The State through exemplary military service, promotes the reputation of the Canadian Armed Forces, positively impacts the social

fabric of Canada by developing good citizens and leaders, connects with and serves the communities where Grenadiers live and work, and inspires others through its example.

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Our Museum is a fully accredited Regimental Museum established under the authority of the Canadian Forces Administrative Orders 27-5. The Museum works in partnership with the Director of History and Heritage. The Museum is part of the Canadian Forces Museum System.

Located at Canadian Grenadier Guards Home Station, 4171 Esplanade Avenue, Montreal, QC H2W1S9, in the Plateau Mont Royal district of Montreal.

The Museum was opened on November 25th, 1950 by His Excellency Field Marshal, The Right Honourable Viscount Alexander of Tunis, K.G., G.C.M.G., C.S.I., D.S.O., M.C., LL.D. Governor General of Canada and Honorary Colonel of the Regiment.

The Musée Canadian Grenadier Guards is home to both permanent and temporary exhibits that highlight the long and important contributions The Regiment has made towards both Canada’s, and International military history.


Soutenez notre famille régimentaire

The Canadian Grenadier Guards Foundations is a Federally Registered Charity under the Income Tax Act of Canada. Designed to support the Regiment, retain ownership of its property, provide means of communication amongst its members and to assist in the welfare of all members and former members of the Regiment and to work with communities in order relieve poverty, distress and suffering and help break cycles of disadvantage. Learn more on the Programs and Funds arranged by the Foundation and donate here.

Guards in the News