Please join the Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding, Lieutenant-Colonel Jose Nunez, accompanied with the Regimental Sergent-Major, Chief Warrant Officer, Cameron Steven as they made promotions at the Home Station: To the rank of Master Corporal. Master Corporals, Kevyn-Elyseo Di-Paola and France Galavis-Navarro. To the rank of Sergeant. Sergeants, Steve Yataco-Luyo, Christopher Sayoto-Poulin and Ala Drine. To the rank of Ensign. […]
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On Wednesday September 28, 2022, the Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding, Joe Nunez and the Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel, Mrs. Ginger Petty, had the pleasure of welcoming fifty (50) influential Ladies from the community who sincerely care about military representation in Canada, the army, the Canadian Grenadier Guards, and the fine young women and men who serve., and yes, a few Gentlemen were also present. […]
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 One year ago, January 2022, I joined the Canadian Army Reserve as a new recruit with Canada’s oldest unit, The Canadian Grenadier Guards. Some of my goals in adopting this new part-time career were to get in shape, get outdoors, gain leadership experience, and meet new people. Most of all with the global pandemic, I wanted to go where […]
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On Sunday afternoon, September 18, 2022, the Regiment and members of the Association attended a service at our Regimental Church. Following the Memorial Service for our Colonel-in-Chief, under our former Regimental Colours, we gathered for this historical picture. The service program: 2022-09-18 1600 Memorial Service HR Queen Elizabeth II Cathédrale Christ Church Montréal Here is the link to the service: […]
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In a very short pause from constant practice parades, the Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding, Jose Nuñez, the Sergeant-Major, Chief Warrant Officer Cameron Stevens, Sergeant Alexandre Hurtubise, Corporal Raquel Bitton and Captain Jonathan Lai paid their respects to two of our fallen Conrad’s, both members of the 22nd Canadian Armored Regiment (CGG) Guardsman J.H.G. Dodd and an unknown soldier whose markings were badly […]
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Captain Jonathan Lai, Sergeant Alexandre Hurtubise and Corporal Raquel Bitton heading for a practice parade Corporal Raquel Bitton being interviewed by the CBC Corporal Bitton speaking with the Princess of Wales ‘represented the Regiment extraordinary’! Captain Lai in the background, about to meet the Prince of Wales at Pirbright England. At Canada House during the contingent visit, from left to […]
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Le 21 avril 2022, le Régiment accueille la soldate Caroline Braga-Lopes alors qu’elle se joignait à l’équipe en tant que soldate d’infanterie. On April 21, 2022, the Regiment welcomes Private Caroline Braga-Lopes as she joined the team as an Infantry Soldier. Bienvenue au Régiment! Welcome to the Regiment!
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On March 11, 2022, the Regiment welcomes Private Sean McDonough-Fraser as he enrolled as an Infantry Officer. Le 11 mars 2022, le Régiment accueille le soldat Sean McDonough-Fraser alors qu’il s’est enrôlé comme officier d’infanterie. Bienvenue au Régiment! Welcome to the Regiment!
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