On Wednesday September 28, 2022, the Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding, Joe Nunez and the Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel, Mrs. Ginger Petty, had the pleasure of welcoming fifty (50) influential Ladies from the community who sincerely care about military representation in Canada, the army, the Canadian Grenadier Guards, and the fine young women and men who serve., and yes, a few Gentlemen were also present.
Prior to the official start of official luncheon, Captain Corey Anhorn and other members of the serving battalion provided tours of the Home Station including the Museum which by the way was a big hit with everyone, many did not know the regiment had a museum and were anxious to return soon to spend more time than was available to really look in more detail of the many artifacts and pictures displayed.
The Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel gave the opening remarks to thank all the participants for coming and to the many individuals who participated and volunteered to help out with the event as well. Mrs. Petty gave special thanks to her daughter Laura who took over the entire last-minute organization while she attended the State Funeral in England for our Colonel-in-Chief Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her support was amazing and key to the success of the event, she noted. She also thanked the Lieutenant-Colonel for all his support of this luncheon, the first of many more to come as the regiment is taking steps to outreach in the community where they serve.
The Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel, Mrs. Ginger Petty
Pictured is the Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding.
Following the welcome address of both the Lieutenant-Colonel and our Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel, the quests were served a typical Ukrainian lunch in hope the war will be settled quickly and peacefully.
Some key parts of the luncheon were an informal ‘Inside the Soldiers’ Studio’, an enlightening conversation between the Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel and two of our serving Infantry Soldiers, Sergeant Lama Ghazzaoui and Corporal Stephanie Simpson about their experiences serving with the Canadian Grenadier Guards. The informal chat was very informative through a reveling discussion.
Our Honorary Colonel, Colonel J. Paul de B. Taillon followed with a special presentation on ‘Putin’s Strategic Plan for Ukraine and the West’.
The audience was glued to his every word and had very concerned questions on his presentation including its effects on Ukraine and how this conflict could expand further to other countries.
Honorary Colonel, Colonel J. Paul de B. Taillon
Ms. Jean Caron, far left, Major Brian Tracey, retired, and Mrs. Anne Ciceri (Caron) far right as they spoke of good times meeting years earlier.
The Caron sisters have another family members who served the regiment, Captain Fred Caron who in his career served the battalion and later after he retired from active service came back to the Regiment and held the appointments of Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel.
Corporal Stephanie Simpson, just before the ‘Inside the Soldiers Studio’ and
Captain Jonathan Lai and Corporal Raquel Bitton.
The guests were invited to be inaugural founders of Friends of the Canadian Grenadier Guards, a new organization to support our soldiers and their families at home and when serving abroad.
Guests left the Hone Station with extreme enthusiasm and a desire to be of service. A good and meaningful time was held by all.
News post by ‘The Roving Guardsman’.
One comment for “Friends of the Canadian Grenadier Guards, Influential Ladies of our Community Luncheon.”
John dolbec
Wow! What a great initiative!