The Regimental Family Assistance Fund (RFAF)

This program has been developed to provide emergency funds, as bursaries or loans, to eligible members to alleviate outside pressures that prevent them from serving or to alleviate suffering.

Eligible persons are:

  • Grenadiers actively serving in the Canadian Forces and their spouses
  • Past-serving Grenadiers and their spouses

The amount available each year is limited and the CGG Foundation maintains a segregated fund for the RFAF, adding to it as necessary through active fund raising. For serving Grenadiers, requests are made through the chain of command to the Commanding Officer via the Padre. For past-serving Grenadiers, requests are made directly to the Foundation with support from the National Executive of the Association. Requests are granted on approval of the RFAF Committee which include the Commanding Officer, the Regimental Sergeant Major, Chairperson, President and Secretary of the Foundation.

Requests submitted through email: